This manga depicts the daily life of the adorable Korobokgors, dwarf-like creatures of the Hokkaido-indigenous Ainu folklore. One day, two Korobokgor kids named Harukoro and Taro are asked to collect some ingredients from the forest as a chore. The two kids go deep into the forest searching through the abundant nature of Hokkaido to find food. But what they don’t know is that the forest is a very dangerous place… This scene depicting the bond between Harukuro and Taro is definitely worth reading!
The selection committee members praised the author’s exceptional drawing skills, charming characters, and the way the vastness of Hokkaido was expressed from the view point of the tiny Korobokgors.
Konatsu is a college student belonging to the cycling club. Her boyfriend Hiroya injured his leg in an accident, and despite his strong opposition, Konatsu decides to go on their dream trip of cycling around Hokkaido alone. Behind such inexplicable behavior, what is she really thinking?
The selection committee members praised the easy-to-read structure and the plot that draws readers into the realistic story.
道内のとある大豪邸に住む10歳のおぼっちゃま、その名も「北海王」。名実ともに北海道の王となるべく『北海道』の歴史についてお勉強することに。北海道の縄文時代やアイヌ文化など、たくさんのことを学んだ北海 王の反応は・・・。
Somewhere in Hokkaido, there is a 10-year-old boy who is the son of a noble, living in a luxurious mansion. His name is Hokkai-o, the King of the Land of Hokkai. With an eye to becoming the King of Hokkaido both in name and reality, he decides to start learning about the history of Hokkaido. This manga follows his transformation after learning about the Jomon Culture, the Ainu Culture, and so many other things.
The selection committee members praised the way the charms of Hokkaido were depicted in the story.
東京在住のごく普通のOL「島崎 明穂」は、北海道で米農家を営む「蔵田 涼馬」との出会いをきっかけに、北海道で米作りの手伝いをすることに。都会暮らしの明穂にとって、北海道での生活に戸惑う一方、今まで気づかなかった価値を感じることに。
SHIMAZAKI Akiho is an ordinary office worker living in Tokyo. After meeting Mr. KURATA Ryoma, whose family runs a rice farm in Hokkaido, she decides to go to Hokkaido to help grow rice there. As she had grown up in an urban area, the differences in the ways of life in Hokkaido puzzled her. At the same time, she started feeling a sense of value which she had never noticed before.
The selection committee members praised the author’s ability to make readers feel like they want to eat rice and the plot driven by unique characters.
Sho was born and raised in Otaru City, but he decided to leave Otaru to work in Sapporo City. Meanwhile, his childhood friend Rara spent his days feeling lost. Although he had created a dance performance group for Hokkaido’s famous Yosakoi Festival in Otaru, he struggled to successfully lead the team. The scene depicting Rara’s passion surrounding the Yosakoi Festival and the actions taken by Sho after he finds out about Rara’s thoughts are definitely worth reading!
Through this manga, readers can understand the characters’ problems and passions, which was a point highly praised by the selection committee members.
All characters in this manga represent the various charms of Hokkaido, which is one thing that makes this manga so adorable. It conveys the joy of life to readers.
This manga is based on a thorough study of various parts of Hokkaido. Through this manga, readers can understand the author’s eagerness to showcase the charms of Hokkaido.
なかなか学校に馴染めない中学生の「三山 はな」。ちょっと不思議な女の子「きいちゃん」との出会いをきっかけに、はなはだんだんと前向きな気持ちになっていく。はなを救った、きいちゃんの正体とは・・・。
MIYAMA Hana is a junior high school student who has had a hard time adapting to school life. One day, she meets the mysterious girl, Kii-chan, and since then, she gradually becomes more positive about everything. Meeting Kita-chan changes Hana’s life, but who really is Kii-chan?
The quality of the plot was highly acclaimed by the selection committee members.
In this manga, a year in the day-to-day life of a “Fossil Loving Mom,” a mother of three who is fond of fossils, is depicted. The manga explains the proper way to handle fossils, from collecting to cleaning, in an easy-to-understand manner. The conversations among the family members in a comfortable atmosphere are worth reading!
The plot depicting the ordinary life of an outdoor-inclined family grabbed the hearts and minds of the selection committee members.